Food Freedom First

Have you ridden a food roller coaster much of your life?

Have you tried every diet under the sun in an attempt to change your body, improve your health, and break free from food cravings?

Often, women aren’t aware of the fallout that occurs in their bodies as a result of the roller coaster they ride with food. Yet, they experience aggravating symptoms such as:  

Low energy, fatigue, or exhaustion

Fluctuating weight

Achy joints

Poor digestion

Distrubed sleep

Painful PMS or uncomfortable menopause symptoms

Mood swings

Have you struggled to experience any improvements because it’s SO DAMN HARD to make changes with food?

Before you try to improve your health or commit to one more diet, one more time . . . 

Transform your maddening relationship with food to one of ease and freedom so you can stop beating yourself up about what you should or shouldn't eat. 

Learn to let food energize and nourish you as a means to achieve your other health related goals.

Bring your body into balance, by balancing your hormones through a systematic process of healing your food relationship.

Will you let it be EASY?

Can you imagine eating only when you’re hungry - with ease?

Can you imagine sitting at a table full of food, and NOT obsessing about what you should or shouldn’t eat in that moment?

Can you imagine forgetting the last time you were hungry because you missed a meal?

Can you imagine being fully at peace with food?

Can you imagine waking feeling fully rested and excited for the day because you feel SO GOOD in your body? 

Can you imagine feeling consistently energized from morning to night?

Can you imagine KNOWING, without a shadow of a doubt, your body is healing and noticing specific improvements on a daily basis? 

Can you imagine looking in the mirror and loving what you see?

If you struggle with food obsession or emotional eating and also suffer with aggravating symptoms or health conditions . . .  


is the only solution. 

You can work hard to fix other problems with your health and in your body, yet you’ll continue to feel in battle if you haven’t healed your relationship with food. I call this the boom and bust cycle of health transformation- experiencing short-term improvements only to land right back where you started, or worse.

This happens because you can sustain change long enough to shift your health momentarily, yet as soon as the “food crazies” take over, your internal body chemistry is thrown “out of whack” and wreaks havoc on your health at the cellular level. Inflammation ensues and you return to experiencing a wide variety of symptoms. This typically causes a great deal of stress, which only exacerbates the health conditions and drains you of your motivation and willpower.

It all stems from your fractured relationship with food.

Food Freedom First is a program designed to walk you step-by-step through transforming your relationship with food, guiding you to know exactly what to eat to heal your body (without feeling like you have to force yourself into another diet), and ensuring your follow through so you feel your body healing at the deepest level (the cellular level) while celebrating daily transformation you can feel and see.

The entire program is based on the foundation of ease because a strained relationship rarely results in the outcome you really want. When it’s easy, you increase the odds you’ll experience exactly what you want.

Food Freedom First is a very intimate, guided process where you work 1:1 with me for six months as we transform your relationship with food, heal your body, and set you free from the maddening health roller coaster once and for all.

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